In a small seaside town, two schoolgirls are assaulted by a middle-aged man in a motel. Mia, a teenager who was working on reception that night, is the only witness. For fear of losing her job, she says nothing. Meanwhile, 12-year-old Wen, one of the victims, finds that her troubles have only just begun. Trapped in a world that offers them no safety, Mia and Wen will have to find their own way out.
- Country:
- China, France, 2017
- Group:
- Competition
- Duration:
- 107'
- Director:
- Vivian Qu
- Screenplay:
- Vivian Qu
- Cast:
- Vicky Chen, Zhou Meijun, Shi Ke, Geng Le, Liu Weiwei, Peng Jing, Wang Yuexin, Li Mengnan
- Festivals:
- 2017 Venecija, Antalija, London / Venice Film Festival, Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, BFI London Film Festival
- Filmography:
2017 Jia nian hua / Angels Wear White / Anđeli nose belo
2013 Shuiyin jie / Trap Street - Cinematography:
- Benoît Dervaux
- Editing:
- Hongyu Yang
- Music:
- Zi Wen
- Producer:
- Sean Chen
- Production:
- 22 Hours Films, Ltd., Mandrake Films
- Distributer:
- MCF MegaCom Film
- Awards:
- 2017 Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival - Golden Orange, Best Film
Time: 17:00
Price: 350 RSD
Dvorana Kulturnog centra
Time: 22:00
Price: 300 RSD
Jugoslovenska kinoteka, Svečana sala
Time: 12:30
Price: 340 RSD
Dom omladine
Vivian Qu is a producer, script writer and director. Born in Beijing, she studied visual arts in New York City and she subsequently returned to China to become a filmmaker. She has produced a number of features including Night Train, Knitting, and Longing for the Rain.
Her directorial debut, Trap Street, premiered at the 2013 Venice International Film Festival, where it was nominated for the prestigious Luigi De Laurentiis Award and it won Grand Jury Prize at the Boston Independent Film Festival in early 2014. Angels Wear White is her latest feature.
The laidback seaside town offers a deceptively serene veneer for the seamy things going on in the dark.
Maggie Lee, Variety
Ocenite film - total votes 2