Questioning the lines between fiction and reality, Bikini Moon tells the story of a New York-based documentary filmmaker and his girlfriend who take a charismatic but troubled woman into their home, turning their lives upside down. The film explores the relationship between surveillance and need for intimacy.
- Country:
- USA, 2017
- Group:
- Fest predstavlja
- Duration:
- 102'
- Director:
- Milcho Manchevski
- Screenplay:
- Milcho Manchevski, W.P. Rosenthal
- Cast:
- Condola Rashad, Sarah Goldberg, Will Janowitz, Sathya Sridharan
- Festivals:
- 2017 Sao Paolo / Mostra Internacional de Cinema São Paulo, Brazil
- Filmography:
2017 Bikini Moon
2010 Majki / Mothers / Majke
2007 Senki / Shadows
2001 Dust
1994 Pred doždot / Before the Rain / Pre kiše - Cinematography:
- Joshua Z Weinstein
- Editing:
- Ann Husaini
- Music:
- Igor Vasilev Novogradska
- Producer:
- Munire Armstrong, Anja Wedell
- Production:
- Czar Film, YN Films, Milkman s
- Distributer:
- Manaki Film
Time: 22:30
Price: 340 RSD
Dom omladine
Time: 19:00
Price: 350 RSD
Time: 21:00
Price: 300 RSD
Muzej jugoslovenske kinoteke
Milcho Manchevski is a New York-based Macedonian-born film director, writer, photographer and artist. His Academy-award nominated film Before the Rain won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, FIPRESCI and Independent Spirit, along with 30 other awards. The New York Times included it on its "1000 Best Films Ever Made" list.
Manchevski has directed four other features - Bikini Moon, Mothers, Shadows and Dust, an episode of HBO's The Wire and 50 short forms including Thursday, which was part of the Venice Feature Reloaded (2013).
- total votes 1